Muzejska trgovinica je odprta!
Vabimo vas k nakupu slamnika ali drugih izdelkov iz slame.
Tudi knjiga, keramični krožnik in hranilnik iz slamnate kite je lahko lepo darilo.
Če je tematsko povezano še z domžalsko slamnikarsko dediščino, toliko bolje!
Ponujamo tudi darilni bon za nakup slamnika.
Z nakupom tudi podprete naša prizadevanja za ohranitev slamnikarske dediščine.
Na voljo tudi brezstična prodaja (plačilo na daljavo, paket pošljemo po pošti).
V sodelovanju z Izdelki iz slame Ana Cajhen s. p.
Več informacij:
t. 01/724 84 08 (v odpiralnem času muzeja)
The Domžale Straw Hat Museum shop is now open!
Come visit us and buy a straw hat or any other straw product. Books, ceramic plates, or piggy banks made out of straw are also available and can make beautiful gifts, which are not only useful but a part of the Domžale straw hat making heritage as well!
Gift certificates for bespoke straw hats are also available for purchase.
By purchasing products from our shop, you are also supporting our efforts to preserve the straw hat making heritage.
The shop is open Tuesdays to Fridays from 10AM to 12PM and from 5PM to 7PM, on Saturdays from 10AM to 12PM!
Of course contactless shopping is available! After payment is made, the package is sent to you by post.
In cooperation with Straw Products by Ana Cajhen.
More information:
tel.: 00386 1 724 84 08 (during museum opening hours)
Ob praznikih, nedeljah in ponedeljkih zaprto.